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I did a rehearsal with Aoi for the first time in a long time.
She is a vocalist in " Moony Mousse"( you can hear her voice in sample 3 on my homepage) and in other groups. She hasn't played for a year, but she gave me a call last month, and she said she wants play again.
I was waiting for her on the platform of Ike-no-ue when she appeared dragging a big piece of luggage struggling like crazy. It was a Harp ! Recently she has started learning to play the harp.
It charmed her, and she told me she wants to play it with us. I think it's a good idea because the sound of the harp suits her voice and mood.
We talked about our music and how we are going to find new approaches, choosing songs and looking for new forms. I guess it might take a little time make it more complex and play it, but I'd like to plant something which starts to grow step by step.

投稿者 yokomiura : 2005年01月23日 22:06


