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Seiji Fujishiro Exhibition

On the 26th of May, I went to a Seiji Fujishiro exhibition held in the Calpis head office building.
Admission was free. Before the exhibition, I imagined that there would just be a few pictures in the lobby, but in fact, 80 pieces of his work were being displayed in an arrangement planned by the artist.
I've often seen his pictures not only on packages of Calpis but also in magazines and picture books, but when I actually saw his works, I was surprised at not just the beauty of the shapes, the elaborateness and reality of his works, and very impressed with the mysterious world filled with energy which was created by light and shadow.
The artist, who will be 80 years old this year, has been making art in his own way since he met and was moved by Indonesian shadow plays.
"Maybe it's the time I spend playing with cats and dogs". He answered when he was asked "What is the source of your creativity? " in VTR.
I found there were sweet-faced, mischivous-looking cats in almost all of his pieces.

投稿者 yokomiura : 2005年05月29日 18:33


