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My computer broke !!!!!

Oh my God ! My computer broke !!!
Its display froze, the DVD stopped working, and when I pulled out the mouse lead to send it to the repair center, the plug broke... What was going on ?!
At least ,it wasn't caused by a virus, but as I heard from the repair center, the mother board, the DVD-drive, and even the MD-drive was broken, and they needed to be changed.
I had thought that the MD didn't work because I didn't know how to operate it, but it was already broken from the beginning, but I was still lucky because I had bought a lap-top cheap this summer, which we had not used yet, so I could read e-mail and my website with no trouble.
Anyway, it's difficult to handle the computer without a mouse. I have to get a new one...

投稿者 yokomiura : 2005年09月20日 23:33


