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Kazuo Ohno

Last Saterday, I went to Yokohama with my friend, Young ho, to see movies.
The movies was held in Bashamichi, which is a beautiful area of Yokohama.
We watched 3 movies about dancers.
The first one was about Kazuo Ohno, who is a famous dancer.
It was the first time I've seen his dancing. The dancing was great, but there were too many scenes in the film, so I couldn't focus on what the film was saying.
The second film was about Tatsumi Hijikata. I heared he was a pioneer of his dancing.
I was impressed with his energy, but the direction was too simple for me.
The third film was very short, but excellent !!
It was simple, but it captured the essence of Kazuo Ohno's world.
When I saw the beauty in his dancing, I felt tears well up in my eyes.
The scene I liked most was where he was dancing at his home.
He was in another world, and behind him, his wife was watching him as if nothing unusual was happening.
I liked the contrast, and I felt there was a good balance between them.

投稿者 yokomiura : 2005年11月15日 23:45


