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Glass Music

I had the idea of playing one of my song with the sound of glass, and so I tried to make a scale with all the glasses in my house.
I bought several glasses I wanted at a one coin shop.
I looked for the glasses which I want in so many places, that maybe I got used to the way of finding the pitch of a glass, and in a coffe shop, I rang a glass with a spoon without thinking, and got stared at by the person next to me.
I made adjustments to each of the pitches, singing each phrase of my song, named "Rain Song" in turn, and pouring water into each glass.
I put the glasses on the table grouped in phrases instead of lining them like a keyboard, so they looked like glass flowers.
There were a lot kinds of glasses in the scale, and each glass had a unique sound.
It was difficult to make a good sound with the glasses which had too much water in.
If I tapped it carelessly, it made a miserable pathetically bad sound, but I really like this kind of flavor with its sense of irregularity and unreliability.

投稿者 yokomiura : 2006年08月06日 22:27