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Walking ~Wadabori Park

I went to Wadabori Park to see the cherry blossoms.
The weather forecast had said that the weather would be sunny, but actually it was slightly cloudy and chilly.
I sat on a bench under the cherry trees, and ate "sakura-mochi", a japanese cake which is wrapped in a cherry leaf, drinking hot green tea.
Until 10 years ago, I used to have a walk with Ponta, my dog, in the park almost every day.
Now I found some places where were fewertrees than before, and some paths which were overgrown with unfamiliar plants, and it felt very different, but I managed to find a tree, Ponta's tree, where I buried a piece of my dog's bone at the roots of the tree when he died, and I found some violets blooming there.

投稿者 yokomiura : 2008年04月11日 08:52